Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Change is good. So is chocolate...

A change is coming in our house. Something that I love (probably a little too much) is leaving. It's a good thing for many reasons. So, what am I losing? Cable TV. :( Bye-bye cable! Adios DVR! Good-bye. I will miss you. Kiss kiss.

Let me tell you, it IS a good thing. Don't cry for me. It's OK! We're going to be saving a good wad of cash. And I will finally have more free time to do other, better, things. Things like crafting, reading, scrapbooking, journaling, and... well, sleeping. My TV habits are certainly not the worst I've heard of. I don't watch hours and hours of it a day, but at night it is my go-to activity. I stay up too late watching Forensic Files. Haha. :) I DVR my favorite shows and sometimes I watch 2 hours at night after the kids are in bed. In the fall I watch a lot of TV, more than I'm proud to admit. I get sucked in to shows I would honestly NEVER miss if I didn't watch a single episode. So, it will be a healthy change to not have so much TV watching going on. Anything I absolutely MUST see (like LOST) can be seen online the day after it is shown on air. Or, I can always pick up live shows on the major networks with a fancy schmansy antennae.

I know, I know. A lot of babble about TV. But it is soooo connected to my creativity. You might be seeing changes around here after Sept. 1st. I could very possibly be bored out of my mind and driven to blog like a mad woman. Wouldn't that be nice?

I have been thinking about this blog. I want to make it even better... focus it into something I intended it to be. I want to share my creative endeavors, all of them, not just my scrapbooking stuff. Ben and I do fun crafts all the time that I would love to share with you! Also, I love to bake and cook. It's a huge creative outlet for me! And I like do a special creative project around the house here or there. That's part of who I am as an artist and I want this blog to represent that, too.

My former blogs have always been about my day-to-day life, and just talking about the everyday mundane stuff like a conversation with a friend. I've been slowly archiving those old blog posts into a new one (The Dilly Diaries: Revisited) because I realized that I didn't want to let it go. I stopped that blog right after my son was born in 2006. And now that he's 3 and my baby is 6 months I'm feeling the itch to start my personal blog again. Forget "revisited"! I think I will start up with it again. Especially in the light of my TV free life starting in September. :)

We are heading out for our very first official family vacation to the beach. I am sooo excited. I'm going to take gobs of pics and probably be so overwhelmed by them that I never scrap them (kind of like Christmas photos, they are the hardest to get scrapped). Anyways, I won't be around for a week or so... but you are used to me being sporadic. LOL. :) Until then!


Michelle said...

LOL Brook!! I hope you will be o.k. this fall w/o your fav fall shows!! I don't watch very much tv. I can't tell what the fall lineup is. Heck, I don't know what is on TV at all, unless of course it is PBS/Sprout network or Disney Channel. I do watch movies. Gotta love NetFlix. Have an awesome time on your first family vacation to the beach. I am envious!! I have wanted to go to the beach all summer.. weather up here has not cooperated too well. I can't wait to see all the pics!

Michelle said...

You changed your blog/blog header!! Cool!! Love the title/header pic!!