Saturday, June 28, 2008

Where have I been!?!?

Whew!!! What a month it's been! Sorry I've been so absent. It really has been a heck of a month since I posted.

So, here's the news:

1. I'm pregnant! :) We are so excited... but of course I'm feeling totally sapped of energy and nauseated every day. We did have a little fright several weeks ago and thought I might be having a miscarriage, but all is well now. *phew* ;)

2. I'm a Design Team member! I'm on the Msh Posh design team. It's a real blast and lots of work as expected. I've never been one to sit down and shoot off LO's at a fast pace, so it's been an adjustment for me. I think I'm handling it well with the exception of maintaining the blog.

3. Speaking of the blog, I designed one for Mosh Posh: Mosh Posh Blog. It should be really fun for everyone and all the DT girls will contribute to it. If you subscribe to Mosh Posh, the blog is having a giveaway drawing for July, so go leave a comment!

4. On the above blog, I have a webisode with instructions on how to do an altered frappuccino bottle. You can see me in all of my cheesball glory.

5. Our hot water heater burst on Monday and flooded part of my living room and bathroom downstairs. :( What a pain!!!

6. On Tuesday morning we discovered that my car had been stolen in the middle of the night. With the carseat and stroller inside, of course!!! Double whammy!

7. Lastly, I am working on my design team projects for the July kit. It's so much fun! I tried to upload some new layouts to my gallery on Two Peas today but it was acting up. I'll try again later. I have a ton of digital ones and stuff from the June Mosh Posh gallery.

So... hopefully this month I'll be better at updating the blog! ;) Until then!